That pain in your neck could be the cause of your headache

Do you suffer from tension headaches? Is occasional or chronic neck pain becoming ‘normal’ for you? If you answered yes to either of these then you are not alone. Neck pain and tension headaches are two of the most common reasons clients visit us for treatment, often relating to poor posture or desk work.
We often wait until neck pain has become a real problem or even worse we wake up one day unable to turn our heads. You suddenly realise how much you use those muscles every day when you can’t move them.
Often this is a problem that has been building for a while and that has culminated in restricted movement, tension headaches and in some cases serious injury.
One of the most common causes of neck pain is poor posture in day- to-day activities and spending a lot of time at a desk. Plus with modern day devices such as Smart phones and tablets, we are seeing more and more clients with chronic pain from poor posutire while using these devices. We tend to hunch forward which over time overexerts the scalene muscles of the neck as well as adding pressure to the trapezius and rotator cuff muscles of the mid-back and shoulders.
How are neck pain and tension headaches related?
Tension headaches can be caused by a variety of things but one of the most common relates to neck pain. With such strong muscles in the back attaching to the base of the skull, over time these muscles can become tighter and cause tension around what is known as the sub-occipital region at the top of the neck. Because this area is also responsible for processing vision (among other things), muscle tension can reverberate to the front temples culminating in a tension headache.
Preventing neck tension and headaches
As well as stretching and maintaining correct posture, massage has been used for centuries to prevent muscle tension and promote relaxation in the body. Our team of therapists are trained in a variety of techniques including remedial, trigger point, myofascial and to manage muscle tension. These techniques work with the soft tissue as well as the neurons (proprioceptors that tell the brain how the muscle is working) to reduce muscle tension.
Massage can also help:
Stimulate nutrients in blood circulation and oxygen capacity
Help posture and increase range of movement
Balance and soothe the nervous system
Maintain/ increase flexibility
By gently applying pressure and stretching the scalenes and trapezius attachments, as well as the other neck muscles, massage can help reduce the tension buildup and ease the headache.
This handy video provides a demonstration of a technique used to ease muscle tension and bring the body back into balance.
For more serious conditions we recommend working alongside a physiotherapist, Chirporactor or other health professional to ensure the most effective treatment for your needs. Our team of therapists are always on hand to chat to you about the best treatment plan for you.
To book a massage in our Orange massage suite call 0406 039 877 or visit our website at