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I gave up buying coffee to take better care of myself

Straight away you're probably thinking this is one of those blogs that talks about the danger of too much caffeine or caffeine and our health, but rest assured, it's not. I love coffee! BUT, as our family re-located, simplified and fine-tuned our lives to be a little freer, and live a little better, our weekly income was effected and we had to find ways to do the things we wanted but with less to spend.

We moved away from the well paid job in the town we loved, but without access to the lifestyle that we loved, to the location and lifestyle we loved, without the well paid job.

Now as someone who thrives on looking after herself in health, fitness and wellness, and encouraging others to do the same, finding the resources to maintain a monthly massage as an important part of my personal wellness approach meant doing things differently.

So I said farewell to buying the daily Flat White, started enjoying my home-made brews, and said hello to my new massage therapist (and I have never looked back or felt more relaxed!)!

I guess, what I'm saying is that what is important to our individual needs is within our grasp if we look at things differently. Putting yourself as a priority in your life is not out of reach. Whether you're a mum, dad, sister, brother, daughter or friend, you can't give from an empty bucket when you're looking after others. So it's important to keep the bucket topped up.

It's important to me to find balance through massage and I often hear people say they would love to incorporate it into their life but its not affordable or its just a 'treat'. But where are you placing your own happiness and health in your list of priorities? Is it time to sit down and re-prioritise? Are you feeling happy on a daily basis or just floating on and making do?

Whether its massage, yoga class, meditation, a facial or taking yourself to your favourite restaurant once in a while its ok to give yourself these opportunities regularly and fill up your bucket. You deserve it.

PS. I still enjoy a bought Flat White on occasion but now that really is a 'treat'.

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